General Information

ISHG 2024

January 21-24, 2024 | Ahmedabad

Registration and Opening Hours

All times stated below refer to Indian Summer Time (GMT +4.30)

Registration and Opening Hours

Sunday, January 21 07.00 – 18.00 hrs
Monday, January 22 08.00 – 18.00 hrs
Tuesday, January 23 08.00 – 18.00 hrs
Wednesday, January 24 09.00 – 12.00 hrs

Opening Hours Speaker Service Centre

Sunday, January 21 08.00 – 14.00 hrs
Monday, January 22 08.00 – 14.00 hrs
Tuesday, January 23 08.00 – 14.00 hrs
Wednesday, January 24 09.00 – 10.00 hrs

Opening Hours Exhibition

Sunday, January 21 08.00 – 18.00 hrs
Monday, January 22 08.00 – 18.00 hrs
Tuesday, January 23 08.00 – 18.00 hrs
Wednesday, January 24 09.00 – 12.00 hrs

Opening Hours Exhibition Service Desk

Sunday, January 21 08.00 – 18.00 hrs
Monday, January 22 08.00 – 18.00 hrs
Tuesday, January 23 08.00 – 18.00 hrs
Wednesday, January 24 09.00 – 10.00 hrs

Access to the conference venue and participant badges

Participants should collect their name badges from the registration desks. As only registered participants will be permitted to attend the scientific sessions, the exhibition and poster areas, you are required to wear your badge when entering and while remaining in the conference venue. Exhibitors will also receive badges to allow access to the appropriate areas. Lost badges can be replaced at the registration desk. However, a handling fee of INR.100/- will be charged.

Cancellations and Refunds

Notice of cancellation (e.g. in case of sickness, lack of funding or any other personal reasons) must be made in writing by e-mail to the ISHG Conference organisers:

Registration fees may be refunded if written cancellation if received as follows:

– until November 30, 2023                                                    100% refund
– between December 1- December 31, 2023                   50% refund
– as of January 1, 2024                                                           No refund

The date of the email received is the basis for considering refunds. Refunds will be made after the conferenceand INR 500 will levied as administrative charge.

Certificate of Attendance / CME Certificates

Participants will be able to download their certificate of attendance (as of February 1, 2024 at 08:00 IST) and CME certificate directly from the ISHG Portal. You can access the portal with the same email and password you used to register and access the virtual conference platform. More information on how to obtain CME credits will follow soon.

Certificate of Presentation

All oral and poster presenters will receive their certificate of presentation via email by February 10, 2024.


By registering to the ISHG 2024 participants agree that neither the organising committee nor the conference office assume any liability whatsoever. Participants are requested to make their own arrangements for health and travel insurance. The conference fee does not include insurance.

General Conference Information

Information for presenters

Click here for more information about the presentation guidelines for presenters.

Tea/Coffee Breaks

During the session breaks, refreshments (coffee, tea and water) will be served free of charge to participants wearing name badges.

Lunch, Dinner and Refreshments

Lunch, dinner and gala dinner tickets will be in the conference bags – they cannot be purchased on site. Please take care of your vouchers on site. They will be printed together with your badge. If you lose them, we cannot hand them out again to you due to reasons of fraud. So please bring them with you on each according day and do not lose them.


The ISHG Conference is committed to host an event that bears in mind the responsible use of resources, our environment and the use of sustainable conference materials. Hence, we would like to encourage all of our participants to keep this aspect in mind when attending the in-person meeting.


Ahmedabad Management Association Complex
Dr Vikram Sarabhai Marg, University Area,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009

For more information visit:


The ISHG 2024 Conference has aimed to provide congress bags that are made from durable materials, such as cotton. This is aimed at increasing the re-usability of the bags and decreasing the amount of waste created, and in the best case, making it recyclable.

Your pen is made from seeds paper! As previously mentioned, we are committed to using the recourses responsibly. For this reason, we have, for the first time in the history of ISHG, opted for conference pens made from seed paper, which would otherwise have ended up as waste.

Printed Materials
In this area ISHG has been making hard efforts to reduce its printed materials while ensuring to keep high standards for its conference participants. Instead, we implemented the online programme planner as well as USB pen drives. The convenience in using these tools as preparation ahead of the meeting is a quasi-standard today, however the fringe benefits of reducing the number of produced items seems less obvious, but definitely contributes to the whole. Moreover, all participants will receive their confirmation of attendance and CME certificate as pdf via the ISHG Portal. These initiatives will help us reduce more than 800 printouts and other materials, having a significant impact in the amount of paper and ink used for the ISHG conference and in consequence largely reducing the CO2 footprint.

Keep in mind that you as participant play an important role in the responsible use of the resources at the ISHG conferences. You can help us to do this by recycling your waste, using only the necessary amount of water and eating only those catering items that you know you will completely consume. Furthermore, you can contribute to reduce the amount of waste created by reusing your conference materials, such as conference bag and pen, as long as possible. Together with your efforts and ours we can continue to strive for a more environmentally friendly ISHG conference.

Conference Policy


The official language of the congress is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided.


Please note that taking pictures during the sessions is allowed, unless indicated otherwise by the presenter or the poster author. Persons who will not observe this rule will be excluded from the session by the chairpersons.


Most banks in Ahmedabad are open from Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, shorter hours on an alternate Saturday and closed on Sundays and public holidays.


In Ahmedabad, the climate is quite pleasant in the month of January with average temperatures are between 60°F and 86°F. Light warm jacket is advisable

Check the weather forecast before you travel.


There are no hard and fast rules for tipping in Ahmedabad. If you are happy with the service, a 10-15% tip is customary, particularly in a restaurant or café with table service. Tipping in bars is not expected. For rikshaw/taxi fares, tipping is at your discretion.

Telephone codes

The telephone prefix for calling Ahmedabad from other countries is: +91 79

GSM Cell Phone Roaming

Roaming charges may apply in the India depending on your provider. Please contact your service provider before travelling.


Shops are open mostly on all days. Timings Monday to Saturday – 10:00 am till 8:00 pm. Sunday- 11:00- 6:00 pm


Experience has shown that some basic precautionary measures should always be kept in mind in any city:

  • Do not carry important items like flight tickets, passports etc. with you when visiting the conference or strolling through the city, leave them in the hotel safe during your stay. Rather carry a Xerox copy of your passport or an identity card with you.
  • Try not to carry all documents, money, credit cards and other essential items and valuables in one bag or purse. If it is lost or stolen, everything will be gone and might be difficult to replace on short notice, especially passports and visa to return to your country of residence.
  • Take off your name badge when leaving the conference centre.
  • Do not respond to anybody unknown to you who comes up to you on the street engaging you in a conversation, no matter how safe they appear to be.

Electricity & conversions

The standard voltage in Ahmedabad 220 volts; 50 hertz. Plugs have 3 round pins and adapters are widely available.

Emergency services

In case of an emergency police (100), ambulance (108) and fire service (101) can be contacted by telephoning mentioned in the brackets

For non-emergency health advice, please call 104.

Pharmacies are typically open from Monday to Sunday from 9.00 am – 8.00 pm